12 Days of Blogmas Day Three Favorite TV Shows of 2019

I’ve had so many TV shows that I’ve been obsessed with this year and that I’ve been watching/finishing (if it’s an older show). I’ve done this post a couple times in the last couple years [2018] [2017] [2016].

Also, sorry I’ve been a little behind with my posts. I just took my final so I’m completely free so will be spending the next couple of days trying to catch up before Christmas.


Honorable Mentions 


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Greenhouse Academy (2017- )

3 seasons, 32 episodes (Production location: Israel) 

The first season of this show was a little rough for me just because I’m all about the relationships that characters make with each other and it was just lacking that. But I feel like they got the memo for Season 2 and 3 and I became extremely attached to these characters and their relationships. I was able to watch both of these seasons in a one day span when Season 3 came out and by the end of it, I was in tears. You honestly just have to make it past the first season. I just thought this show would be worth mentioning.


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Grey’s Anatomy (2005- )

15 seasons, 351 episodes (Production location: Southern California) 

I feel like this show will always be in my honorable mentions, just because it’s my favorite show of all time and I feel like that’s never going to change. I find myself catching up with the current season and then I’ll think about some of my favorite episodes which usually leads to me going back and watching all of the sad episodes of Grey’s Anatomy (if you’re a real fan, you know what I mean; I know we all do it). This is the show that no matter how much things change, I will always be obsessed with it because I’m so attached to the characters and their storylines. I will just always love Grey’s Anatomy, even when it makes me angry.


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On My Block (2018- )

2 seasons, 20 episodes (Production location: Los Angeles) 

The current season was absolutely amazing and heart wrenching. The characters have just experienced a huge life change at the end of season 1 so it was interesting to see how everyone coped and everything was just changing during season 2. This is definitely a show that I look forward to every year and I cannot wait to see what happens in Season 3 because I’m extremely attached to these characters.


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Alexa & Katie (2018- )

2 seasons, 23 episodes (Production Location: Hollywood) 

This show has touched my heart since season 1. This show mostly focuses on the friendship between Alexa and Katie and if you know anything about me, you know I’m a  hoe for friendship in any form of entertainment. By the end of every season, I’ve cried from happy tears because they things they’ve done for each other just affects me so much. They are literally friendship goal and I always recommend this show to everyone!


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High School Musical: The Musical The Series (2019- )

1 season, 6 episodes (Production Location: Salt Lake City)

This is a new show that I’ve been watching since it came out on Disney Plus and it has definitely been an amazing surprise. I’ve been a little wary when it comes to reboots, especially from Disney, but this has been amazing so far. The characters, the songs are absolutely amazing. I’ve already found myself attached to these characters and I just want to know how they end up. If you’re a little concerned about watching this, I definitely say to give a try because it’s way more amazing than I originally thought it would be. It also deals with some real life shit which I wasn’t expecting either.


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Teen Wolf (2011-2017)

6 seasons, 100 episodes (Production Location: Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Conyers)

This used to be one of my favorite shows and I recently got Amazon Prime Video and started rewatching this show and it has been so incredibly amazing. I became obsessed with it all over and it just gave me so many nostalgic feels. I still haven’t watched the last episode of this show because I wanted to hold onto this show as long as I possibly could but I think during this round of watching this show, I’m finally going to be finshing the entire show. I’m nervous but excited.


Top 10 Favorite TV Shows of 2019


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10) Good Trouble (2019- )

2 seasons, 21 episodes (Production location: Los Angeles) 

This has been one of my favorite spin offs this year and I knew it would be because of my attachment to the Foster family. This show is definitely more grown up and more real. I’m completely obsessed with it and I cannot wait to catch up and watch the new Christmas episode. I’m also obsessed when the rest of the family comes to visit, it literally feels like a homecoming every time just because these characters have been in my life since I was in 8th grade so I just love knowing how they’re doing. I 100%  recommend this show (even if you haven’t watched The Fosters; even though you really should).


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9) The Bold Type (2017- )

3 seasons, 30 episodes (Production location: Montreal and New York City) 

I feel like while The Bold Type is running, it’s going to be on my top 10 favorite TV shows. This show has impacted my life since the beginning that the show started. The topics that they discuss and the awareness they bring to certain topics has always resonated with me and it’s a show that I think everyone should watch, no matter what your views are. It’s incredibly powerful and I feel like a lot of people can learn from it. Like mentioned before, I’m a hoe for friendship and this show just does it for me. The friendship between the 3 main characters is honestly the most important relationship in the entire show, fight me on it.


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8) One Day at a Time (2017- )

3 seasons, 39 episodes (Production location: Indianapolis) 

This is another show that literally hits my heart with every episode I watch. I’m attached to every character and whenever they experience anything, it literally feels like they’re my family and I feel everything with them. The messages in every episode are always powerful and that’s one of the main reasons why I recommend this show to anyone I can. It was originally cancelled this year but I’m so glad that it was picked up again because I’m definitely not ready to let this show go just yet.


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7) Stranger Things (2016- )

3 seasons, 25 episodes (Production location: Atlanta)

This show is just so beautifully written and the scenery and all of the colors are absolutely amazing and captivating. This is another show that has evolved so much since the beginning of the show, that includes the characters as well, as they’re growing in front of our eyes. The characters and the relationship between the characters is one of my favorite things about this show so if you haven’t watched this show and that’s one of your favorite things in shows (also the storyline is absolutely amazing and shocking everytime), I would definitely recommend this show. Also, Season 3 is definitely my favorite season so far!


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6) Dollface (2019- )

1 season, 10 episodes (Production location: Los Angeles) 

This show was a big surprise for me and I’m actually shocked that it’s made it into my top 10. I think this show just came into my life when I needed it the most and changed my outlook on a lot of things in my life. The main purpose of this show is the importance of friendship in your life and just overall girl power and feminist vibes. I was a big fan about a lot of things in this show. And also London Tipton is in it? What else do you need to hear? lol


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5) Euphoria (2019- )

1 season, 8 episodes (Production location: Southern California) 

This show was so intense, holy shit. I planned on bingeing this show in one day but couldn’t because it was just that intense and I also wanted to savor every episode. The characters had me getting attached and there’s one specific character that I absolutely hated throughout the whole thing and the show would try to redeem him but then I’d think about all of the things he’s done and I’ll keep hating him. This show made me feel a lot of things and the performances of all of the actors/actresses (especially Zendaya) was absolutely amazing. I’m surprised that it hasn’t been nominated/won a lot of awards.


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4) Criminal Minds (2005- )

14 seasons, 314 episodes (Production Location: Varies) 

I actually started watching this show this year episode by episode because in the past, I would only watch random episodes that play on TV. I’ve definitely gotten attached to this show and it’s the show that I play as background noise while doing homework or just laying in bed. I consumed like 5 seasons in a month like that’s how dedicated I was with this show. I just love that it has a main storyline but every episode is different. I’ve also been really interested in unsolved mysteries lately so watching this show just gives me the vibes I get when I watch youtube videos about different cases.


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3) Legacies (2018- )

2 seasons, 22 episodes (Production location: Atlanta)

I love this world and just being back there was absolutely amazing. I’m obsessed with the characters and I just love Hope and her relationship with Alaric, especially. This show is so good and I’m attached to everything about it. I also love seeing characters from Vampire Diaries and The Originals. I cannot wait to catch up with the second season because season 1 ended so wildly.


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2) Charmed (2018- )

2 seasons, 30 episodes (Production location: Los Angeles) 

I didn’t know what to expect from this show but I knew that I was excited because it surrounded black/hispanic witches which is not usually seen. I absolutely loved the sisterhood and the chaos/romance; everything was just so amazing. I loved Harry, especially like he really made the show for me. I was so consumed by this show and literally had everyone in my life watch this show and they’re all obsessed with it too.


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1) Atypical (2017- )

3 seasons, 28 episodes (Production location: California) 

This show has been in my life for 2 years now and it’s something that I hold close to my heart. Season 3 has definitely been my favorite season; I literally finished it and started it again and it’s definitely the reason why it was bumped up to my number one favorite TV show. The characters, the conflicts, the relationships, everything was amazing!! This is a show that I feel is so underrated and I just feel like everyone needs to watch this!


What was your favorite TV Show this year? Let me know in the comments!




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